Kim Cattrall Explosion ‘Sex and the City’ Co Star Sarah Jessica Parker ‘...
Kim Cattrall took to social midea Instagram Saturday to voice her anger at previous “Sex and the City” co-star Sarah Jessica Parker. The two had reportedly been at odds since filming the show together, with the current dying of any prospects for a third “Sex and the City” film bringing the adversity back to the surface.
“I don’t need your love or support at this tragic time [SJ Parker],” Cattrall posted. In the caption, she called Parker a “hypocrite” and “cruel,” adding, “Let me make this VERY clear. You are not my family member. You are not my friend. So I’m writing to tell you one last time to stop exploiting our tragedy in order to recover your ‘nice girl’ persona.”
Cattrall was likely allude to the recent death of her brother Chris, which Parker discussed during the Paley Center for Media’s An Evening With the Cast of “Divorce” in New York City Thursday. “If somebody in your life, whether you’re in touch with them or not, [is] suffering for any cause, it’s involuntary that you want to convey condolences or sadness or just let someone know you’re thinking about them,” she said, according to Entertainment Tonight. Parker had also left a message of condolence on Cattrall’s Instagram post singing her brother’s passing, as had Cynthia Nixon, one of Cattrall and Parker’s other “SATC” co-stars.